February 26, 2023 12:00 PM

2023 FUTURES Updates by Doug Reed

FUTURES Learn from Corinthians Experts
2023 FUTURES Updates by Doug Reed

FUTURES Learn from Corinthians Experts

Corinthians are one of Brazil’s most successful clubs, both in futsal and soccer. A key element of that is futsal as a core element of their youth development. For that reason, United Futsal integrated the Corinthians’ philosophy into the FUTURES Programme.

The results from Corinthians work at youth level in futsal are clear to see. No-one in Brazil has won more at all levels over the last decade with over 100 titles whilst qualifying for well over 9 out of 10 of the Final Fours in all competitions. In Brazil’s top division alone, there are 49 players who came through their youth system and numerous others playing in Europe’s top clubs such as Matheus at FC Barcelona.

And the impact is not limited to futsal as many move across into professional soccer. A few of these played for Brazil in the last World Cup including Arsenal’s Gabriel Martinelli, currently one of the top goalscorers in the EPL. Another to highlight is Vasco de Gama’s Lucas Piton who became a champion in United Futsal’s World Futsal Cup in the same arena where the FUTURES programme is held.

All these players trained under Daniel Magalhães who works with both Corinthians youth and senior teams and was one of the coaches on the FUTURES Programme. He arrived at the club in 2012 when they implemented their innovative and highly productive futsal philosophy.

Until the age of 14, every youth player in Corinthians undergoes a combination of soccer and futsal training. Then at the age of 15 years old, it splits into two programmes and each player must choose which discipline they wish to dedicate themselves to, though there are cases of players switching later such as the aforementioned Piton.

The finer details of this approach and how the youth system operates was explained to United Futsal’s Coaching Directors by Corinthians Futsal Manager Edson Sesma as part of their education programme during the week in Barcelona.

Sesma explained their view on the often-discussed topic of what should be a priority at youth level, development or winning. For Corinthians, they are given equal importance and see them as supporting each other. What is clear is that they prioritise the well-being of the players and create a welcoming, family atmosphere that anyone would want their child to be a part of.

A key part is how they recruit and monitor their coaches with an emphasis on soft skills such as communication, adaptability and empathy. Just like with their players, they will support their coaches in their personal development to help them reach the highest level.

Throughout the week, Magalhães worked with the FUTURES players on the same key principles that he did with those that have gone on to star at the highest levels in professional futsal and soccer. He sees these as non-negotiable fundamentals that every individual must possess to succeed.

He was very impressed with the talent at his disposal, noting the disciplined and conscientious approach to training as well their abilities in passing and making combinations in pairs. He sees developing their tactical and game understanding in the situations futsal presents, which he describes as ‘chaos’, as key to fulfilling the potential of their technical skills.

“It is clear that there is a lot of talent in American futsal. And even more when we look only at the female game. They are very high level. Much more than Brazil. It would be very difficult to find a squad of girls the same level in Brazil as there is here in the FUTURES programme” commented Magalhães.

The Corinthians approach developed the skills, as well as inspired, all the players and coaching directors who were able to gain insights and feedback from those who apply it on a daily basis with some of the best talent worldwide.


Doug Reed is a professional futsal player from England whose passion for the game has taken him across the world to report on top stories, and provide insights from someone inside. Visit his website at www.dougreedfutsal.com or follow him on social media via @DougReedFutsal.

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